3 Ways to Break Less Sticks

3 Ways to Break Less Sticks 

We all know how much our bank account suffers from repeated trips back and forth to the music shop just to buy breakable pieces of wood. This blog aims to give you a few tricks on how to save your wallet.

1. Use different sticks for different situations. For instance, those 2.50 'solutions' sticks that sound like crap might not be the ideal choice when you're playing a gig at Madison Square Gardens but they will suffice in a solo/band practice situation. Save the $15 dollar sticks for the moments that matter.

2. Play quieter. I'm just kidding don't do this unless you mean to deface the art of drumming. One legitimate option would be to buy an electronic drumset but lets be real. On the topic of saving money I don't think forking out $3000 on a new set is feasible.

3. Sign up with Six Sticks. Six Sticks offers affordable drumstick delivery to your front door for prices that are way below what you would find at a local music store. They even have their own brand that is priced well below that of pro-mark, ziljdian etc.