Watch the Drum Throne

3 Ways to Break Less Sticks

3 Ways to Break Less SticksĀ 

We all know how much our bank account suffers from repeated trips back and forth to the music shop just to buy breakable pieces of wood. This blog aims to give you a few tricks on how to save your wallet.

1. Use different sticks for different situations. For instance, those 2.50 'solutions' sticks that sound like crap might not be the ideal choice when you're playing a...

3 Crazy Drumstick Idea's

3 Crazy Drumstick Idea's

These drumsticks are sure you blow your mind. If you're brave enough to bring them to band practice you could very well be on to some new looks, er I mean, sounds with your band.

1. The glow in the dark stick. There's a bit of a debate on whether ion or hiptrix is the better stick. Based on my experience hiptrix plays more like a real drumstick while ion feels like an...